Mealworms, raisins, cranberries, peanuts, sunflower hearts, and gelatine. YUM!
Wild birds need a variety of seeds, fruits, and insects to stay healthy.
Birds mainly eat berries in the summer/fall and eat nuts, seeds, and bugs for the rest of the year. Adding this bug and berry seed cylinder to your feeding station will give your birds a sweet treat with added protein throughout the year.
Raisins, cranberries, and mealworms are the perfect snack for your backyard birds because they offer many nutritional benefits.
- Raisins are high in fiber, which helps their digestive system and can boost their immune system. They also have vitamins A, B, C, and other minerals of Potassium, Calcium, Iron, and more.
-Birds enjoy dried cranberries, especially when natural berries are no longer around. They’re a good source of essential antioxidants and contain vitamins C, E, K1, and other minerals to help keep birds strong. Berries are an important food source for many birds all year round, especially when the ground is too frozen to hunt for worms and other bugs.
-Mealworms are not actually worms, but they’re larval made from mealworm beetles. Like fruit, mealworms are also a healthy treat and provide some protein and fat.
Insect-eating birds will definitely start hanging out in your backyard over this customized seed cylinder blend.
- Pound for pound, will last longer than traditional loose bird seed.
- Ideal for a busy lifestyle or for people who want a clean hassle free bird experience.
- No more cleaning and refilling dirty bird feeders.
- Super convenient. No more bulky bags of seed to carry and store.
- Compressed seed keeps birds at the feeder longer.
- No fillers and no waste! Your backyard birds will love this seed.
- Customized seed combinations for different birds and seasons.
- Perfect for all weather conditions. It won’t melt in the rain or hot sun.
- Ideal if you’re going on vacation and won't be able to fill your feeders.
- Will fit any type of cylinder feeder.
- Available in two different sizes. Medium (4" x 7") and Large (6" x 7").
Seed cylinders are the best bird feeders for people who want to enjoy looking at their birds longer.
With traditional bird feeders, the birds will often swoop in, grab a seed and then fly away before you can really enjoy looking at them. Seed cylinders are tightly compressed keeping the birds at the feeder longer, because they have to work hard to remove the seed.